Ou students unions

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  • Osmania University Campus, 40286 Chalo Assembly by JAC, tension at ou, Ou students unions

    Tension at OU 13 June 2013

    Osmania University is once again gripped by tension with Telangana issue.  In the wake of tomorrow's call of Chalo Assembly by JAC, the students organizations of OU are trying to bring out a bike rally since yesterday evening. As this...

    Keywords: 40286 Telangana issue, Telangana students unions, Chalo Assembly program, Telangana students unions

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    Telangana political JAC, Nagam Janardan Reddy, chalo assembly news, Ou students unions

    Chalo Assembly News 11 June 2013

    The Chalo Assembly call given by Telangana political JAC is not given permission by the police.  JAC Chairman Prof.Kodandaram confidently says that the program will be conducted successfully.  In the wake of call to lakhs of people to join the...

    Keywords: JAC leaders, BJP, Telangana political JAC, Chalo Assembly

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