Pancreatic cancer

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  • Apple CEO Passes Away, iPhone, steve jobs apple ceo died, Pancreatic cancer

    Steve Jobs - Apple CEO Died 06 October 2011

    Steve Jobs — the great man who brought us the iPhone, the iPod and the iMac — has died - World mourns The co-founder of Apple was 56 years old. Jobs had been battling a rare form of pancreatic cancer...

    Keywords: iPhone inventor died, iPhone inventor died, iPAD inventor died, iPod

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    Pancreatic, Steve Jobs, pancreatic cancer act fast disease that took steve jobs life, Pancreatic cancer

    Pancreatic cancer act fast – disease that took Steve Jobs life 06 October 2011

    As experts say, Pancreatic cancer development from which asserted the life of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, is one of the fastest spreading cancers. Tumours are usually located on the head of the pancreas — an organ that helps break down food...

    Keywords: fast, Pancreatic, Pancreatic, disease

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