All You Need To Know About Secondhand Smoke 18 July 2020
All You Need To Know About Secondhand Smoke:- Tobacco is filled with several harmful substances such as benzopyrene, lead, carbon monoxide arsenic and formaldehyde. Smoking is quite injurious to health and those who do not smoke too get exposed to...
Keywords: Secondhand smoke disadvantages, Secondhand smoke updates, Secondhand smoke, Secondhand smoke news
Read MorePassive smoking may cause infertility in women 04 June 2015
According to a study conducted at the Wilmot Cancer Center in US, the women exposed to second hand smoke are 68 per cent more likely to face fertility problems and can also suffer miscarriage.The study was carried out in...
Keywords: Passive smoking leads to infertility in women, Passive smoking leads to infertility in women, smoking causes infertility in women, Passive smoking leads to infertility in women
Read MoreSmoking leads to innumerable diseases 18 January 2014
The list of diseases linked to smoking has increased, according to a new report published by the US surgeon general. The research-based report, containing 980 pages, states smoking to be associated with diabetes, liver and colorectal cancer, erectile dysfunction, ectopic...
Keywords: ectopic pregnancy, passive smoking, health news, smokers
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