Peshawar attack

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  • Pakistan teachers, Khyber Pakthunkhwa province, pak teachers taught to kill, Peshawar attack

    Pak teachers taught to kill 28 January 2015

    The government of Khyber Pakthunkhwa province announced that teachers in Peshawar, Pakistan, will be armed and undergo rigorous  training to handle any sort terrorist attack in future. This decision was made in response to the December 16 attack on Peshwar...

    Keywords: Peshawar province, Khyber Pakthunkhwa province, Peshawar attack, Pakistan teachers

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    Peshawar Attack, Lok Sabha, lok sabha adjourned sine die, Peshawar attack

    Lok Sabha Adjourned Sine Die 23 December 2014

    The Winter sessions of Lok Sabha adjourned Sine Die and a record of 18 legislations have been passing in these sessions. Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan announced the sine die and added that about three hours of the house proceedings...

    Keywords: Peshawar Attack, Peshawar Attack, Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan, Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan

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    Pakistan Army school, Peshawar killing, most students hit on head, Peshawar attack

    Most students hit on head 17 December 2014

    In one of the most horrifying attack on children, the ruthless Talibans shot most of the students on head from point blank range during the attack on the Army Public school in Peshawar. So far 144 have been reported killed...

    Keywords: Pakistan Army school, Taliban attack, Pakistan Army school, Taliban attack students

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