Foetal position provides relaxation 27 December 2013
People in pain usually crawl into the foetal position as it helps to reduce physical pain and psychological pain like a bad news or stress. But have you wondered why the pain eases? Relief experienced in foetal position can be...
Keywords: Sleeping Position, reduce physical pain, Dr. Bob Adams, Relax
Read MoreThe effect of fear 29 January 2013
Fear is the most debilitating trait of an individual’s character. It makes for cowardice while fearlessness breeds courage and boldness. All strength is drained off the moment an impulse of fear haunts us. Fear and weakness go together. Evil is...
Keywords: truth, healthy, truth, tagore
Read MoreSelf curing of mental, physiological disorders with 'Journey' 03 December 2012
All of us come across various anxious moments in life and that lead to serious health disorders. The disorders could be of any shape or size the key is within, all we need is to unlock it. Offlate many are...
Keywords: The Journey in India with Brandon Bays, events in Hyderabad, Brandon Bays, Brandon Bays
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