Processed food

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  • Keeping Your Diet Healthy & Balanced, unbalanced diet, keeping your diet healthy balanced, Processed food

    Keeping Your Diet Healthy & Balanced 27 August 2012

    An unbalanced diet that is high in fat and processed foods can lead to a number of digestive disorders, including heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, gas and constipation. Other preventable factors contributing to digestive disorders can be alcohol consumption, smoking, stress,...

    Keywords: including heartburn, high in fat and processed foods, including heartburn, gas and constipation.

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    multi grain bread, veggie sticks, 5 healthy food myth busted, Processed food

    5 Healthy Food 'Myth' Busted 13 April 2013

    1) Veggie Sticks: Veggie sticks claim to be a great alternative to vegetables, but they often have as many carbs as potato chips. They are actually a puffed mixture of cornstarch, potato flour, vegetable puree, salt and sugar. So while...

    Keywords: processed food, processed food, multi grain bread, veggie sticks

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