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  • Netflix deal with Sony, psychological thriller series, netflix agreement with sony, Psychological

    Netflix agreement with Sony 16 October 2013

    Netflix during Monday brought into prominence a deal along with Sony to originate a psychological thriller series for the online streaming and DVD service. This would be moving ahead faster accompanied by original programming to succeed by striving towards subscribers....

    Keywords: Sony Pictures Television, Netflix agreement with Sony, California, California

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    termites, termites, u n report says nutritious insects help fight obesity, Psychological

    U.N. report says: Nutritious insects help fight obesity! 23 May 2013

    The authors of a U.N. report published on Monday said that the health benefits of consuming nutritious insects could help fight obesity even though another prevalent factor remain unhidden that even a thought of eating beetles, caterpillars as well as...

    Keywords: Africa, eating caterpillars, consuming nutritious insects, caterpillars

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    healthy mind, meditation, maintain a healthy body, Psychological

    Maintain a healthy body 23 May 2013

    Improve your Psychological health and maintain healthy body. Having a healthy body image means that you feel good about your body. A healthy body image is crucial to self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-worth. If you don't have a healthy body image,...

    Keywords: healthy body, healthy body, healthy body image, self acceptance

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    , , emotional effects of infertility, Psychological

    Emotional Effects Of Infertility 04 October 2012

    Many couples go through a cycle of distressing emotions when they come to know that either one of them are infertile. Infertility problems give rise to a wide range of emotional effects on the couple. Parenthood is the most desired...

    Keywords: , Emotional Effects On The Female Partner, Psychological Impact, The Male Partner

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    Human-ape emotional similarities exposed, Human-ape emotional similarities exposed, bonobos the most empathetic great ape, Psychological

    Bonobos the most empathetic great ape 16 October 2013

    A new study suggesting people and ape emotions function similarly was into prominence. The study discloses the fact that young bonobos share hugs and kisses to make their peers feel better much the way children do. Now, coming to other...

    Keywords: Human-ape emotional similarities exposed, psychological comparisons, Human-ape emotional similarities exposed, Bonobos the most empathetic great ape

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    psychological, psychological, aatma soundtrack is not so delightful, Psychological

    'Aatma' soundtrack is not so delightful! 21 March 2013

    The music album of director Suparn Verma's psychological thriller 'Aatma' has six tracks. Going by the genre of the movie, the songs fit the mood of the movie even though the compositions are above average and lyrics are apt, the...

    Keywords: horror film, horror, horror, Aatma theme

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    stress-related complaints, risk of cardiovascular disease, intellection of stress can cause sickness, Psychological

    Intellection of stress can cause sickness! 29 June 2013

    Researchers known to have discovered just thinking about being stressed can make individuals fall seriously ill as well as make greater the possibility of suffering a heart attack. It was researched, at the time following beyond 7,000 civil servants over...

    Keywords: Inserm medical research institute in Villejuif, stress-related complaints, risk of a heart attack, psychological factors

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    Research, cleavage, bigger assets raise feminine confidence psychological research, Psychological

    Bigger assets raise feminine confidence: Psychological research 22 March 2012

    Heavy cleavage makes women more confident and has eye to eye contacts while conversing says scientists of the Manchester University. The scientists of the Manchester University for the first time conducted a unique study to establish a connection in between...

    Keywords: Boob jobs, Feminine, Feminine, bigger assets

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    psychological level, Gold crosses Rs 29 K-mark, gold crosses rs 29 k mark, Psychological

    Gold crosses Rs 29 K-mark 24 February 2012

    Gold of 99.9 and 99.5 per cent purity zoomed by Rs 300 each to Rs 29,040 and Rs 27,900 per 10 grams, respectively. Sovereigns followed suit and added Rs 50 to Rs 23,500 per piece of eight grams. Gold on...

    Keywords: psychological level, trading sentiment, Gold crosses Rs 29 K-mark, trading sentiment

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    benefits of cuddling, psychological warmth, cuddle with love live the fantasy, Psychological

    Cuddle with love, live the fantasy 11 October 2013

    Romance is a feeling that we crave constantly. All couples feel the pressure to reinvent the chemistry with a new, spicier approach. Alas, the time and attention required to come up with such a plan is too less in this...

    Keywords: benefits of cuddling, watching movie while cuddling, cuddling while watching movie, Warm hug

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    sports medicine specialist, Relax, foetal position provides relaxation, Psychological

    Foetal position provides relaxation 27 December 2013

    People in pain usually crawl into the foetal position as it helps to reduce physical pain and psychological pain like a bad news or stress. But have you wondered why the pain eases? Relief experienced in foetal position can be...

    Keywords: News on Health, reduce physical pain, relaxation, Dr. Bob Adams

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    Blue Whale Suicide Challenge, 14-Year Old Teenager Online Suicide Game, 14 year old teenager leaves home for blue whale challenge rescued, Psychological

    14-Year Old Teenager Leaves Home For “Blue Whale Challenge”, Rescued 11 August 2017

    14-Year Old Teenager Leaves Home For “Blue Whale Challenge”, Rescued:- A 14-year-old boy from Solapur, who was on his way to Pune to complete a task given to him in the online game ‘Blue Whale Challenge’, was rescued by the...

    Keywords: Blue Whale Suicide Challenge, Boy Rescued, Boy Rescued, 14-Year Old Teenager Online Suicide Game

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