• Migraine news, Migraine news, girls with early puberty may get migraine, Puberty

    Girls With Early Puberty May Get Migraine 15 July 2019

    Girls With Early Puberty May Get Migraine:- Girls who attain early puberty may get a chance to develop migraine headaches told researchers. When the menstrual period starts in girls, the chances and prevalence come up as per the study said...

    Keywords: Migraine, research on Migraine, girls with Migraine, girls with Migraine

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    WHO recommended dose of salt consumption, salt intake problems, high salt intake delays puberty, Puberty

    High salt intake delays puberty 19 May 2015

    Salt is the basic ingredient in Indian cooking. It gives special taste to the recipe. But changes in the salt content may result in many health problems. A recent study has revealed that having excess dietary salt may result in late...

    Keywords: disadvantages of high sodium consumption, disadvantages of high sodium consumption, excess dietary salt side effects, excess dietary salt side effects

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    girls puberty, chemical signals, junk food can hasten puberty studies, Puberty

    Junk Food can hasten puberty: Studies 02 November 2012

    Puberty is a hard time for girls with several hormonal changes, emotional imbalances. The phenomenon which earlier used to happen generally at 12- 13 years earlier has now dropped to as low as 6 or 7 years in many cases....

    Keywords: puberty, sex hormones, puberty, puberty

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    Gay rights, Hangzhou, protest against publicizing homosexuality as a deviation in china, Puberty

    Protest against publicizing homosexuality as a deviation in China 10 September 2012

    A state publication in China has drawn the attention and criticism from gay right activists after it had mentioned Homosexuality to be a sexual deviance that needed treatment. The families of the kids who chose to be homosexual were enraged...

    Keywords: Gay rights, homosexual, protests, Gay rights

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    triggered by changes in the brain, Slow-wave sleep, deep sleep turns on puberty, Puberty

    Deep sleep turns on puberty 28 September 2012

    Slow-wave sleep or 'deep sleep' is intimately involved in the complex control of the onset of puberty, a new study has suggested. The many changes that occur in boys and girls during puberty are triggered by changes in the brain....

    Keywords: triggered by changes in the brain, triggered by changes in the brain, Natalie Shaw, Natalie Shaw

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