Pvp joining ysr congress party

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  • Headlines, Telugu News, pvp will represent vijayawada for parliament, Pvp joining ysr congress party

    PVP Will Represent Vijayawada For Parliament 30 December 2013

    Prasad V Potluri is joining YSR Congress party to represent Vijayawada for the Parliament elections 2014.  He is going to formally join on 23rd January 2014.  As castes are still playing a major role in the politics, PVP from Kamma...

    Keywords: AP News, YSR Congress party, Top Stories, Vijayawada Parliament Constituency

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    PVP joining YSR Congress Party, Prasad V Potluri (PVP), pvp will contest for parliament ysrcp behalf, Pvp joining ysr congress party

    PVP Will Contest For Parliament YSRCP behalf 30 December 2013

    Prasad V Potluri is joining YSR Congress party to represent Vijayawada for the Parliament elections 2014.  He is going to formally join on 23rd January 2014.  As castes are still playing a major role in the politics, PVP from Kamma...

    Keywords: Vijayawada Parliament Constituency, Industrialist, Headlines, Top Stories

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