Rahman saab

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  • #AR Rahman, #Rahman Saab, rahman saab s song at london olympics, Rahman saab

    Rahman saab's song at London Olympics 30 June 2012

    Oscar laurette AR Rahman is all set to compose a song for prestigeous London Olympics, which is round the corner.  Rahman has told that he would team up with Danny Boyle (director of Slumdog Millionaire) and compose a song for...

    Keywords: #Punjabi song, #Rahman Saab, #Punjabi song, #Punjabi song

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    life of pi tamil, ang lee, rahman saab likes life of pi, Rahman saab

    Rahman saab likes Life of Pi 19 November 2012

    Music maestro AR Rahman was stunned after he watched the much awaited experimental film of Ang Lee, Life of Pi. Based on Yann Martel's novella, Life of Pi revolves around a boy who finds himself trapped on a boat in...

    Keywords: life of pi writer, life of pi release, life of pi pondicherry, life of pi india

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    shaktisree gopalan, shaktisree gopalan, music that pulls out emotions tucked under layers of heart, Rahman saab

    Music that pulls out emotions tucked under layers of heart 17 November 2012

    When A R Rahman composes tunes, they will surely touch the emotional chords. If you have doubts, we have scores of songs to name-right from Roja song to Slum Dog Millionaire's background score. And his journey doesn't stop with Oscar....

    Keywords: nenjukulle song, nenjukulle hits, rahman saab, nenjukulle song

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