Rajan henchman

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  • journalist murder in Mumbai, main shooter Rohit Thangappan alias Satish Kalia, chota rajan ordered dey s murder, Rajan henchman

    Chota Rajan ordered Dey’s murder 28 June 2011

    Mumbai police, after claiming to have cracked the murder case of senior crime reporter of the Mid-Day tabloid Mr Jyotirmoy Dey, said today that it was a contract killing and the murder was committed on the orders of the underworld...

    Keywords: Dey, Mumbai Police Commissioner Arup Patnaik, Rajan henchman, Dey

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    journalist murder in Mumbai, journalist murder in Mumbai, chota rajan ordered dey s murder, Rajan henchman

    Chota Rajan ordered Dey’s murder 28 June 2011

    Mumbai police, after claiming to have cracked the murder case of senior crime reporter of the Mid-Day tabloid Mr Jyotirmoy Dey, said today that it was a contract killing and the murder was committed on the orders of the underworld...

    Keywords: Dey’s murder, Jyotirmoy Dey, journalist murder in Mumbai, Mumbai Police Commissioner Arup Patnaik

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