Tips for Good Parenting 16 June 2021
Tips for Good Parenting:- Raising children is not an easy task. The parents are left in more stress after the arrival of the pandemic as the children are restricted to home and they are taught online. Raising a child is...
Keywords: Good Parenting tips, Good Parenting updates, Good Parenting needs, Good Parenting updates
Read MoreYoung dads are at risk of shorter lifespan, finds study 05 August 2015
A study revealed that men who become dads before they turn 25 run a higher risk of dying in middle age. Researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland used a 10 per cent nationally representative sample of households drawn...
Keywords: Young dads are at risk of shorter lifespan, becoming fathers at young age may risk their life, young aged fathers die sooner, Young fathers are more likely to die soon
Read MoreNegative Effects of Critical Parenting 16 October 2023
Negative Effects of Critical Parenting:- Having a critical parent is profoundly traumatizing, these types of kids will develop very low self-confidence. Critical parenting will also take away the emotions and sense of self-worth. This childhood trauma caused by typical parenting...
Keywords: negative effects of critical parents, Children mental health, Toxic relationship-Parent tips, Hyper Critical parenting
Read MoreIodine supplements can increase child’s IQ, finds study 11 August 2015
Intake of iodine supplements during pregnancy period could boost babie’s brain power and make billions for the economy, according to a new study. "Iodine deficiency in pregnancy remains the leading cause of preventable retardation worldwide. Even mild iodine deficiency during...
Keywords: Iodine supplements can increase child’s IQ, Pregnancy iodine pills can boost IQ of child, Iodine intake can boost child’s intelligence, Iodine supplements can boost child’s IQ
Read MoreHeavy weight of school bags can lead to back bone problems 03 August 2015
According to a study performed by the health experts it was proved that more than 60 percent of schoolchildren with heavy back packs have been found suffering from back bone and muscle problems. "Not just this, carrying backpacks over one...
Keywords: Heavy backpacks lead to backbone problems, Heavy backpacks lead to backbone problems, Overweighed backpacks can lead to back problems in kids, Heavy backpacks lead to backbone problems
Read MoreParenting Habits that worsen the mental health of Children 25 May 2022
Parenting Habits that worsen the mental health of Children:- Parenting is not a right job for everyone. It should not be under the lens off righteousness and correctness. The parenting should not be too strict or too liberal. Here are...
Keywords: Parenting Habits, Parenting Habits specialists, Parenting Habits positives, Parenting Habits impact
Read MoreMothers of IVF babies are at increased risk of chronic digestive disease 12 August 2015
According to a study performed by the researchers in Turkey, it was revealed that women who give birth to babies conceived by in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) are three-times more likely to have a common digestive condition than those who conceive naturally.Gastro-esophageal reflux...
Keywords: Mothers conceiving via IVF are at increased risk of digestive disease, risk of IVF pregnancy, Mothers conceived via IVf are at increased risk of chronic digestive disease, Mothers conceiving via IVF are at increased risk of digestive disease
Read MoreBreastfeeding can make your baby sick, finds study 21 August 2015
Breastfeeding for a long time may expose infants to a class of industrial chemicals linked with cancer and immune system dysfunction, according to a new study. The study co-authored by experts from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, the...
Keywords: Breast feeding may expose babies to harmful chemicals, how breast feeding effect babies, Breast feeding may expose babies to harmful chemicals, side effects of breast feeding
Read MoreThe Five Signs That You Are Ready To Have A Baby 18 September 2017
The Five Signs That You Are Ready To Have A Baby:- Having a baby is one of the biggest decisions of life. Since motherhood is not really an easy task, it is important to take such big decisions only after...
Keywords: Parenting Lifestyle, Motherhood, Parenting Lifestyle, Parenting Lifestyle
Read MoreAir pollution affects kid’s academic performance, finds study 29 August 2015
According to a new study, the researchers have found that children exposed to toxic air pollutants at home are more likely to have lower grades. The results of the study were published in the academic journal Population and Environment."Air pollution...
Keywords: Air pollution affect academic performance of kids, Air pollution show impact on kids academic performance, Air pollution affect academic performance of kids, side effects of pollution
Read MorePooP MD app invented to detect liver disease in newborns, says study 31 July 2015
A free smartphone app called PoopMD was invented to detect early symptoms of biliary atresia (BA) which is a rare disorder that accounts for nearly half of paediatric end-stage liver disease in the US.The researchers from the Johns Hopkins Children’s...
Keywords: how to detect biliary atresia in kids, Smartphone app introduced to detect liver disease in newborns, biliary atresia identification in kids, new smartphone app to detect biliary atresia
Read MoreMagnetic stimulation to reduce bedwetting, finds study 25 August 2015
Most children suffer from bedwetting problem. From the study conducted at the Assiut University Hospital, the researchers found that the magnetic stimulation of the lower back leads the reduction in frequency of night-time bedwetting.The study was conducted in Egypt on...
Keywords: Magnetic stimulation as a new treatment for bedwetting, Bedwetting can be controlled by magnetic stimulation, how to treat bedwetting, how to treat bedwetting
Read MorePracticing Conscious Parenting is the need of the day 28 July 2021
Practicing Conscious Parenting is the need of the day:- Parenting needs to come with patience and consciousness. A parent alone can protect their child the best and he or she will guide them in the best available way. The physical...
Keywords: Conscious parenting breaking news, Parenting Tips, Conscious parenting tips, Parenting Tips new updates
Read MoreHow To Choose The Right Bra While Nursing 22 July 2017
How To Choose The Right Bra While Nursing:- Breast changes begin in the first trimester of pregnancy, and most mothers outgrow their pre-pregnancy bras right along with their non-maternity jeans. If you are buying new bras during pregnancy, go ahead...
Keywords: Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Nursing
Read MoreHigh IQ in childhood linked to bipolar disorder in adulthood 20 August 2015
According to a study conducted by United Kingdom researchers, the researchers found that higher IQ in children is linked to development of bipolar disorder in later life. To prove this, the scientists at the University of Glasgow studied data collected...
Keywords: Higher IQ in children are more prone to bipolar disorder, side effects of intelligent kids, side effects of intelligent kids, High IQ in childhood increases risk of bipolar disorder in adulthood
Read MoreUltrasound can spot risk of preterm labour, finds study 19 August 2015
Ultrasound technique can detect the risk of preterm labour in pregnant women, according to a new research. Premature births can mean low birthweights and other medical problems for newborns, but there are steps that doctors can take to reduce the...
Keywords: how can we detect preterm labour, Ultrasound helps detect signs of preterm labour, Ultrasound helps detect signs of preterm labour, Ultrasound may detect increased risk of preterm labour
Read MoreBest Financial Tips For Expecting And New Parents 20 July 2017
Best Financial Tips For Expecting And New Parents:- When the little one arrives in your family, it indeed is a moment of joy and pride. Moreover, it puts the new parents head over heels with them. The new parenthood brings...
Keywords: Parenting Financial Tips, New Parents Financial Tips, Investing Tips, New Parents Financial Tips
Read MoreEffective Parenting Tips For Healthy Relationships 18 August 2023
Effective Parenting Tips For Healthy Relationships:- Parenting is one of the biggest challenges everyone face in life. Especially when a child is growing parents will have many disagreements and arguments which would lead to disconnection of parent-child relationships. In particular,...
Keywords: Healthy Relationships tips, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Relationships new tips, Healthy Relationships
Read More5 Reasons Why Babies Cry 13 September 2016
Your Baby is crying. Don't know why? It's how they communicate hunger, pain, fear, a need for sleep, and more. So how are parents supposed to know what their baby is trying to tell them? It can be tricky to...
Keywords: Baby, Baby, cry, reasons
Read MoreSpecial Care to be taken for your Toddler 14 October 2021
Special Care to be taken for your Toddler: Toddlers are tough to handle and they should be given special attention throughout the day. If one gives adequate attention and copes with their emotions, they could do wonders. But some of...
Keywords: Toddlers breaking news, Toddlers care articles, Toddlers care, Toddlers care updates
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