Routine life

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  • women, women, change is essential for better living, Routine life

    Change is essential for better living 06 December 2012

    Sony was completely disappointed when her husband left her for another woman and has taken the route of drinking and smoking when she was 30. It went to an extent that she had problems managing her money and debt. Keeping...

    Keywords: good, old, safe living, change better life

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    dance, your life style, be crazy back to good mood, Routine life

    Be Crazy back to good mood! 27 October 2011

    Routine life style at times bores us a lot. We would be so fed up doing same things each day that we strive for just taking a break for a day or two, and to re-invent ourselves. Good enough, but...

    Keywords: peppy and Joshila music, peppy and Joshila music, peppy and Joshila music, remember school & college friends

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    wearing in public, listing sounds, be crazy back to good mood, Routine life

    Be Crazy back to good mood! 21 October 2011

    Routine life style at times bores us a lot. We would be so fed up doing same things each day that we strive for just taking a break for a day or two, and to re-invent ourselves. Good enough, but...

    Keywords: your life style, remember school & college friends, Routine life style, dance

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    marriage, party couples, pep it up with cooking or dancing, Routine life

    Pep it up with cooking or dancing 08 December 2012

    Another night of boring and usual routine where your partner is busy playing games or watching tv? Ensure that these routines do not repeat often. You need to pep it up and make every day different to ensure a loving...

    Keywords: picnic, love, weekend trip, party couples

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