Sanatan dharma

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  • Sanatan Dharma, Swaminarayan Sampraday, shree swaminarayan temple isso, Sanatan dharma

    Shree Swaminarayan Temple (ISSO) 03 May 2012

    International Swaminarayan Satsang Organisation (ISSO) is a national charitable organisation that builds, looks after and advances the Nar Narayan Dev satsang outside of India. Its prime objective is "to advance the Sanatan Dharma, in accordance with the principles and teachings...

    Keywords: Norwalk, Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Shree Swaminarayan Temple

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    Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple, Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple, greater atlanta vedic temple, Sanatan dharma

    Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple 09 March 2012

    Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple Society, Inc. founded in 1986, is a religious charitable tax exempt organization generally known as Vedic Temple. It's a non-denominational Hindu Religious organization. Since Hindu Dharma/ religion is based on Vedas-the four primary scriptures and hence...

    Keywords: Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple, Vedic Temple, a non-denominational Hindu Religious organization, Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple

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