Seema andhra kcr

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  • Telangana garb for KCR, Chandrababu Rytu Poru Bata in Telangana, seema andhra kcr has t garb says motkupalli, Seema andhra kcr

    Seema Andhra KCR has T garb, says Motkupalli 02 January 2012

    Repeating his vitriolic attacks on the TRS chief KCR, TDP Telangana Forum leader Motkupalli Narasimhulu warned the TRS cadres not to try to block the Rytu Poru Bata of their president Mr Chandrababu Naidu in Warangal district on Jan 6....

    Keywords: Chandrababu Rytu Poru Bata in Telangana, Telangana garb for KCR, Chandrababu Rytu Poru Bata in Telangana, Chandrababu Yatra in Warangal district

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