Sewa international

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  • Tamilnadu news, Chennai rains, contribute to chennai relief fund through sewa international, Sewa international

    Contribute to Chennai relief fund through Sewa International 10 December 2015

    The horrifying rains in Chennai and few other parts of Tamilnadu, worsened the life of the residents over there. The whole country was saddened after watching the situation of Tamilnadu people and have come forward to offer assistance to the...

    Keywords: Chennai rains Sewa International, contribute to Chennai relief fund, Tamilnadu news, Chennai rains

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    Indian-Americans, Indian-Americans, indian americans pool resources to help hurricane hit irma floridians, Sewa international

    Indian-Americans Pool Resources To Help Hurricane Hit Irma Floridians 11 September 2017

    Indian-Americans Pool Resources To Help Hurricane Hit Irma Floridians:- The Indian-Americans living in Atlanta and Georgia pooled in their resources to help several millionĀ Floridians who were affected by hurricane Irma. The hurricane plummeted parts of the US coastal State with...

    Keywords: Indian-Americans, Hurricane Irma, Sewa International, Indian-Americans

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