Sikh temple

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  • Inderjeet Singh, Inderjeet Singh, wisconsin gurudwara reopens after the shootings, Sikh temple

    Wisconsin Gurudwara reopens after the shootings 10 August 2012

    As a figurative expression of the bravery and that “the good” would prevail, the Wisconsin Gurudwara was reopened. After the gurudwara shootings that killed six devout people and wounded 3 people including a police officer, the Sikh Temple was shut...

    Keywords: Gurudwara shootings, ceremony., ceremony., Sikh temple

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    Gurudwara, hand guns, gunman open fires in gurdwara at wisconsin, Sikh temple

    Gunman open fires in Gurdwara at Wisconsin 06 August 2012

    There were at least 8 – 20 people injured in the Shootings that took place in the holy gurudwara in Wisconsin on Sunday when a lunatic gunman open fired at the devotees. The shooting occurred at 11 am, local standard...

    Keywords: hand guns, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, Wisconsin

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    Sikh Temple, Sikh Temple, kaleka the hero of the gurudwara shootings, Sikh temple

    Kaleka, the hero of the Gurudwara Shootings 07 August 2012

    Satwant Singh Kaleka had sacrificed his life the most heroic way one can imagine by saving lives of several women and children in the Sikh temple when a 40-year old had barged into the temple armed with two handguns that...

    Keywords: Wisconsin, Wade Michael Page, Sikh Temple, gunman

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