Smokers india

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  • Why people smoke, Benifits of smoking, why do people smoke, Smokers india

    Why Do People Smoke? 19 December 2011

    Why do people smoke? Common sense tells us that it is bad for us -- inhaling smoke and particulate matter into your lungs is bad for you no matter if it is from a fire or a cigarette. Medical science...

    Keywords: Experts tips on Smoking, smokers india, Benifits of smoking, Smoking people

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    Regular smoking, Regular smoking, oral health warning for smokers, Smokers india

    Oral Health Warning For Smokers 11 February 2012

    Smokers are getting a timely reminder about the dental damage they are incurring with their nicotine addiction. Regularly smoking cigarettes dramatically increases the risk of getting diseases such as mouth cancer and the nicotine ingredient also stains teeth leaving them...

    Keywords: smokers india, smokers india, Regular smoking, tips for smokers

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