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  • social media platform, Finance and Commerce ministries to join Twitter, finance and commerce ministries to join twitter, Social media platform

    Finance and Commerce ministries to join Twitter 07 July 2014

    Union Finance and Commerce ministries will soon join microblogging site Twitter as part of the government's plan to use the social media platform in communicating with the people of the country. Twitter India has confirmed that Finance and Commerce ministries...

    Keywords: Quick News, Twitter India, social media platform, Union Finance and Commerce ministries

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    how protect kids from online threats, Cyber crimes, protecting kids from cyber threats, Social media platform

    Protecting Kids from Cyber Threats 07 January 2015

    Cyber crimes are rapidly increasing all over the world but the main concern is, children are also on the victims side. Children needed special care from offline and online wrongdoers and parents should step up in taking the responsibility.  Children...

    Keywords: how protect kids from online threats, cyber crimes on children, cyber crimes on children, how protect kids from online threats

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