Social media sites

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  • , , duniya audio launch, Social media sites

    Duniya Audio Launch 30 August 2011

    Keywords: , , ,

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    Mesh, Mosaic web browser, 25 years of the world wide web, Social media sites

    25 years of the World Wide Web 12 March 2014

    Exactly 25 years back on the same day, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who first proposed the Web, a way of using networks of computers to talk to each other. This proposal created a new virtual world and the web...

    Keywords: social media sites, HTTP, NeXT cube, Mesh

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    Social Networking, International Institute of Democracy and Election Management, social media sites to be used by election commission, Social media sites

    Social Media sites to be used by Election Commission 26 November 2011

    The Election Commission is planning to take the help of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to impart electoral messages to young voters, Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi said, at New Delhi on Friday. Inaugurating a day-long workshop...

    Keywords: International Institute of Democracy and Election Management, Election Commission, Election Commission, Election Commission

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