Social networks

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  • Ad, reach, global ad revenue on social networks to reach 10billion by 2013, Social networks

    Global Ad revenue on social networks to reach $10Billion by 2013 06 October 2011

    Well Ad emolument from social networks worldwide is apprehended to reach $5.54 billion this year, according to eMarketer estimates, and will double by 2013. eMarketer is taking into account a number of popular social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Half...

    Keywords: reach, reach, , Ad

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    Middle finger crisis, India Vs Australia test series 2011-12, stop social networking team india bosses instruct players, Social networks

    `Stop Social networking’- Team India bosses instruct players 10 January 2012

    Kohli was photographed raising his middle finger as India struggled to contain Ricky Ponting and Michael Clarke during the course of their 288-run stand. Team India Management has passed on strict instructions to the players to avoid social networking like,...

    Keywords: India tour of Australia, Australia Cricket, No Twitter, Team India Restrictions

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    macc, social networks, you could be arrested for facebooking at office, Social networks

    You could be arrested for Facebooking at office 07 January 2013

    Now, feel happy for yourselves if you are in India or anywhere else but Malaysia. Recently the Malaysian Anti-corruption Commission MACC, told the people that using any social networking media or engaging in personal matters while working at any government...

    Keywords: facebooking corruption, facebooking corruption, facbook, facebooking

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