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  • multi grain bread, tuna salad, 5 healthy food myth busted, Sports drinks

    5 Healthy Food 'Myth' Busted 13 April 2013

    1) Veggie Sticks: Veggie sticks claim to be a great alternative to vegetables, but they often have as many carbs as potato chips. They are actually a puffed mixture of cornstarch, potato flour, vegetable puree, salt and sugar. So while...

    Keywords: fat free yogart, processed food, multi grain bread, unhealthy healthy foods

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    benefits of fast food, sports supplements glucose levels, burger and fries as good as sports drinks study revealed, Sports drinks

    ‘Burger and fries’ as good as sports drinks, study revealed 09 April 2015

    A new study had revealed that fast food is as good as sports supplements. The research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, found there was no significant difference in glycogen recovery when cyclists ate fast...

    Keywords: sports supplements nutritional values, sports supplements glucose levels, benefits of fast food, Fast food is as effective as sports supplements

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