Sriram janmabhumi

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  • Ayodhya, Ayodhya, ayodhya punya bhoomi birth place of maryadha purushotham sriram, Sriram janmabhumi

    Ayodhya - Punya Bhoomi - Birth place of Maryadha Purushotham SriRam 04 September 2015

    Ayodhya is an ancient city of India, the old capital of Awadh, in the Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh, India. Ayodhya is described as the birth place of Lord Sriram, and the capital of the ancient Kosala Kingdom. This holy...

    Keywords: Sriram Janmabhumi, Ayodhya, Sriram Janmabhumi, Ayodhya

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