Stringent punishment

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  • Bureau of Indian Standards, Bureau of Indian Standards, misuse of hallmarks attract severe penalty, Stringent punishment

    Misuse of hallmarks attract severe penalty 10 January 2012

    Though the voluntary jewellery hallmarking scheme was started in 2001, the recent survey conducted by BIS taking 162 jewellery samples from 16 cities found that more than 90 per cent were not of the declared purity. “This means the consumer...

    Keywords: gold jewellery, milk products, mineral water, gold jewellery

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    International Road Federation (IRF), road accidents, road accidents cost india 20 billion every year, Stringent punishment

    Road accidents cost India $20 billion every year 20 February 2012

    The bill seeks to establish a panel for the development and regulation of road safety, traffic management system and safety standards in highway design and construction. India suffers a staggering hit of Rs.1 lakh crore ($20 billion) every year due...

    Keywords: property damage and administration costs. Supreme Court judgment, road accidents, International Road Federation (IRF), property damage and administration costs. Supreme Court judgment

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