Sun Tan? Get rid of it... 24 March 2012
Sun tan is one of the major problem with the darker skins. Many of them like to have their skin tanned in summer but some wants to get rid away from sun tan. The affected areas are mainly face, neck...
Keywords: darker skins, protect your skin getting tanned, rid of tan, skin
Read MoreWorrying about tan? 04 January 2013
Sun tan is another big time hurdle for our beauty... while taking winter care we are also getting worried about the coming up Summer... here are some tips that can help you to get rid of that Sun tan and...
Keywords: sun tan, sun tan, beauty tips, skin glow
Read MoreStay ‘White’ in summer… 06 April 2012
And that is about how do you prevent ‘Tan’ ruling your skin and in turn your happiness this summer? Because post summer, it would at least take couple more months for you to get rid of all that ‘tan’ that...
Keywords: sun tan, oily skin, Prevent Tan, Stay white in summer
Read MoreSunless Spray Tanning Booth... 24 August 2012
As we begin to fully understand the serious consequences of sun tanning, we are looking for alternatives and thats why a visit it a sunless tanning booth has become so popular. There are no tanning bed risks and no tanning...
Keywords: sun tanning, removed all loose and flaky skin, spray booth, sun tanning
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