Suspended trs leader

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  • suspended TRS leader, suspended TRS leader, suspended trs leader to join tdp, Suspended trs leader

    Suspended TRS leader to join TDP 23 February 2012

    The TRS today suspended its politburo member Mr Yousaf Ali from the party for his alleged anti-party activities. With in hours of his suspension, he seemed to have established contact with TDP leaders leading to speculation that he may join...

    Keywords: expelled TRS leader, suspended TRS leader, Yousaf Ali, TRS leader to join TDP

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    TRS, party senior leaders, a prolonged break, Suspended trs leader

    A prolonged break! 01 June 2013

    You are watching a movie or a TV serial and a commercial break interrupts it.  It is ok for a time.  But what if the break continues for days and weeks?   That is exactly how some of the political...

    Keywords: CBI, Raghunandan, Raghunandan, suspension

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