Technical assistant jobs

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  • Technical assistant jobs, NREGA jobs, jobs 5787 vacancies in nrega, Technical assistant jobs

    JOBS: 5787 Vacancies in NREGA 11 September 2014

    Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act has circulated the biggest recruitment drive in the recent times and called upon for filling up of 5787 vacancies. In 34 various departments all the slots will be filled and applications will be...

    Keywords: MIS Co-ordinator jobs., MIS Co-ordinator jobs., Technical assistant jobs, MIS Co-ordinator jobs.

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    Jobs News, Top Stories, jobs isro recruitment drive 2014, Technical assistant jobs

    JOBS: ISRO Recruitment Drive 2014 28 June 2014

    Indian Space Research Organization is looking for skilled and proficient candidates for filling up various posts. A total of 26 vacancies are to be filled and Diploma/Master Degree are the necessary qualifications in relevant fields. Technical Assistant [14], Scientific Assistant...

    Keywords: ISRO recruitment 2014, Top Stories, Top Stories, Scientific assistant jobs in ISRO

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