Telecom department

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  • mobile phones, mobile phones, radiation levels fall to a tenth of the present levels, Telecom department

    Radiation levels fall to a tenth of the present levels 01 September 2012

    Stricter radiation emission norms would be implemented starting today September 1 which would ensure that the mobile towers would lower their emissions considerably. If any mobile carriers violate the norms, emitting higher radiation levels, they would be subjected to a...

    Keywords: radiation levels, kapil Sibal, radiation levels, mobile phones

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    key initiatives, DoT, adieu roaming charges, Telecom department

    Adieu roaming charges 05 December 2012

    By the time March arrives, no mobile phone user will be tormented by the extra service charges he would have to shell from his mobile phone balance for the roaming services, that significantly add up to the price of the...

    Keywords: Bharti Airtel, roaming charges, DoT, roaming

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