Do we really know what is best for our kids? 15 April 2013
We all strive to give best education, career and best life to our kids... we do what not to our kids be happy??? But are we giving at least some time to know what our kids really like? Apart from...
Keywords: proficiency in cricket, parents kids, best for kids, proficiency in cricket
Read MoreNegative Effects of Critical Parenting 16 October 2023
Negative Effects of Critical Parenting:- Having a critical parent is profoundly traumatizing, these types of kids will develop very low self-confidence. Critical parenting will also take away the emotions and sense of self-worth. This childhood trauma caused by typical parenting...
Keywords: Children mental health, Hyper Critical parenting, negative effects of critical parents, Critical parenting
Read MoreHow to keep your kids safe this summer 26 March 2015
Summer holidays are the most awaited holidays for children. They provide great time for children to experience new things, to grow in different directions and to spend time with friends and family. During this season parents must be very cautious...
Keywords: safety and security measures, safety and security measures, tips for parents, Summer Tips for children
Read MoreChild care, an art? 27 October 2011
Not every parent can succeed in taking care of their child and let him/her grow to be a well behaved, matured and responsible citizen. The growing crime rate, deaths and the suicides that are particularly high among the Youngsters are...
Keywords: AP headlines, Child care, Metro wishesh, Child care
Read MoreChild care, an art? 03 October 2011
Not every parent can succeed in taking care of their child and let him/her grow to be a well behaved, matured and responsible citizen. The growing crime rate, deaths and the suicides that are particularly high among the Youngsters are...
Keywords: Sakshi news paper online, Telugu People, Telugu headlines, Telugu People
Read MoreThe art of parenting 16 April 2013
We like to be called as 'strict parents' by our kids. But it is known by now that not by being tough but by understanding and giving importance to kid's thoughts and actions, we can ensure a better growth of...
Keywords: kids care, strict parents, strict parents, Kids behavior
Read MoreAre you being right with your kid? 23 January 2013
The joy of parenting is also most important to the humankind... we strive to enhance the love and relationship with our partner. But what about our kids who are form of the love and affection of You and Your partner???...
Keywords: kids care, children, kids, children care
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