Tn governor roshaiah

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  • Tamil Nadu CM Jaya Lalitha, TN Governor Roshaiah, actress cries foul over 100 years cinema fest, Tn governor roshaiah

    Actress cries foul over 100 years Cinema fest 24 September 2013

    The event of celebrations of the 100 years cinema at Chennai conducted by the Tamil Nadu Government jointly with the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce is going to conclude today. The celebrations were inaugurated by the Tamil Nadu Chief...

    Keywords: Tamil Nadu CM Jaya Lalitha, President Pranab Mukherjee, Tamil Nadu CM Jaya Lalitha, 100 years Indian cinema

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    Governor Rosayya, Governor Rosayya, rosaiah fell sick, Tn governor roshaiah

    Rosaiah fell sick 23 April 2013

    Tamilnadu Governor Konijeti Roshaiah to day fell sick while attending AP Vysya Mahasabha at Poranki, Krishna District. When he felt giddiness and collapsed, he was rushed to Dr.Ramesh Hospitals at Vijayawada where he was kept on intensive care. Rosaiah who...

    Keywords: Rosayya fell sick, Tamilnadu Governor Roshaiah, Rosayya fell sick, Tamilnadu Governor Roshaiah

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    100 years of cinema celebrations at chennai, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha, cinema celebration concluded at chennai, Tn governor roshaiah

    Cinema Celebration Concluded At Chennai 25 September 2013

    The celebration of 100 years of cinema concluded yesterday in a grand way at Chennai last night.  The celebrations that had been going on since four days in Nehru Stadium, Chennai came to the concluding day which was attended by...

    Keywords: 100 years of cinema celebrations at chennai, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha, President of India Pranab Mukherjee, celebration of 100 years of cinema

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