Trs leader raghunandan

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  • TRS leader Raghunandan, Raghunandan, a prolonged break, Trs leader raghunandan

    A prolonged break! 01 June 2013

    You are watching a movie or a TV serial and a commercial break interrupts it.  It is ok for a time.  But what if the break continues for days and weeks?   That is exactly how some of the political...

    Keywords: Raghunandan the TRS leader, evidence, TRS, CBI

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    press meet at Nizamabad, TRS leader Raghunandan Rao’s talks, last fight for telangana, Trs leader raghunandan

    Last fight for Telangana! 18 May 2013

    Harish Rao says that the next elections will be Telangana's last fight.  Meaning they will achieve it by that time.  By defeating Andhra Parties, he says in a press meet at Nizamabad, they will achieve a separate Statehood for Telangana....

    Keywords: Telangana, Raghunandan Rao, Chandra Babu Naidu, KCR

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