Us labor department

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  • diplomatic immunity, Indian Diplomat Arrested, us keen on punishing devyani, Us labor department

    US Keen on Punishing Devyani 21 December 2013

    Indian Diplomat Devyani Khorbagade was transferred by the Indian Government from Indian Consulate to Permanent Mission in UN where she gets Diplomatic Immunity not to be subjected to criminal jurisdiction in US. But the State Department's Spokesperson Jen Psaki says...

    Keywords: Devyani Khorbagade Arrested, diplomatic immunity, charges of Visa fraud, Indian Diplomat Arrested

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    jobless rate, jobless rate, us job growth indicates 4 year high, Us labor department

    US job growth indicates 4 year high 09 March 2013

    Job Growth in the US is at a four year high since last month with auto makers, builders, retailers and others pushing the unemployment rate lower and lower against the odds of the budget battles. This move by the employers...

    Keywords: jobless rate, jobless rate, us unemployment rate, us unemployment rate

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