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  • mobile apps, 07December, smartphones to be your own health monitors, Us monitors

    Smartphones to be your own health monitors 07 December 2012

    Mobiles phones have swept out all the excess baggage in our daily lives. The watch, calculator, radio and what not everything is out and only the mobile is in. With the arrival of its upgraded sibling, smart phones, computers are...

    Keywords: December 07, December 07, HRV Fit Ltd, HRV Fit Ltd

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    Dubai Metro, Gold Class passengers fined, dubai metro imposed fine on more than 8 600 gold class passengers, Us monitors

    Dubai Metro imposed fine on more than 8,600 Gold Class passengers... 14 March 2013

    Dubai Metro has imposed over 8,600 fines to people travelling in the Gold Class without valid NOL cards in the last year. According to Ramadan Abdullah, Director, Rail Operations that 1,236 fines were issued in the last two months alone...

    Keywords: ticket violations, Dubai Metro, World Trade Centre, Over 8

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    Earth, UN, world in new danger zone, Us monitors

    World in "new danger zone" 13 May 2013

    Causing intense horror, UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said on Monday that the world has entered a "new danger zone" having a record level of Earth-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. While furthering with the fact, she expressed in a...

    Keywords: Christiana Figueres, greenhouse gas, greenhouse gas, human security.

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