Vastunna meekosam padayatra tdp

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  • vastunna meekosam padayatra tdp, congress vs tdp, babu blows his own trumpet, Vastunna meekosam padayatra tdp

    Babu blows his own trumpet! 13 February 2013

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's Vastunna Meekosam padayatra is going on in full swing. Chandrababu Naidu who completed his 2000 kilometre milestone has today resumed his walkathon from Uppalapadu of Guntur district. Babu has left yellow coloured balloons in the air...

    Keywords: tdp padayatra babu, vastunna meekosam padayatra tdp, chandrababu naidu vastunna meekosam, who will be next cm in andhra

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