Vellampalli srinivas

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  • Vellampalli Srinivas updates, Coronavirus, ap minister vellampalli srinivas shifted to hyderabad for coronavirus treatment, Vellampalli srinivas

    AP Minister Vellampalli Srinivas Shifted to Hyderabad for Coronavirus Treatment 15 October 2020

    AP Minister Vellampalli Srinivas Shifted to Hyderabad for Coronavirus Treatment:- Andhra Pradesh is the second most impacted state in the country after Maharashtra due to coronavirus. The wave of cases is slowly coming down. Andhra Pradesh Minister for Endowments Vellampalli...

    Keywords: Vellampalli Srinivas news, Vellampalli Srinivas health status, Vellampalli Srinivas health status, Vellampalli Srinivas health situation

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    Vellampalli Srinivasa Rao, PRP MLAs, prp mlas castigate actor balakrishna, Vellampalli srinivas

    PRP MLAs castigate actor Balakrishna 23 January 2012

    The PRP MLAs today came down heavily on actor Balakrishna for criticizing his leader Chiranjeevi and warned him of dire consequences if he continued his tirade against the mega star. Addressing a media conference in Hyderabad, PRP MLA Mr Vellampalli...

    Keywords: Vellampalli Srinivasa Rao, actor Balakrishna, and Chiranjeeviverbal war between Balakrishna, actor Balakrishna

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