Vem narendar reddy

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  • ACB, TDP, t tdp mlc vemnarendar reddy arrest, Vem narendar reddy

    T TDP MLC VemNarendar Reddy arrest? 17 June 2015

    TDP MLC, Vem Narendar Reddy is found guilty in cash for vote scam and is arrested by Telangana police today. It is known that in the morning, the ACB officials issued notices to TDP leaders. MLA Sandra Venkata Veeraiah and...

    Keywords: Vem Narendar Reddy, Vem Narendar Reddy, ACB, TDP

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    AP political news, cash for vote, 14 days remand to tdp mla veeraiah, Vem narendar reddy

    14 days remand to TDP MLA Veeraiah 07 July 2015

    The ACB officials filed a petition in the court asking for five days of custody of Sandra Venkata Veeraiah, where the court ordered 14 days of remand.    It is known that, Sandra was identified as guilty during the interrogation by the...

    Keywords: AP political news, AP political news, cash for vote, cash for vote

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