Vibrant gujarat summit

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  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Koba, a dog disturbs john kerry s convoy, Vibrant gujarat summit

    A Dog disturbs John Kerry's convoy 12 January 2015

    US Secretary of State John Kerry convoy meet with a minor accident while when he was on his way to Ahmedabad from the Vibrant Gujarat Summit in Gandhinagar. According to the officials, a street dog rammed onto the dog and...

    Keywords: Vibrant Gujarat, Vibrant Gujarat, Koba, US Secretary of State John Kerry

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    12 January, Corporate India hails Modi as 'King of Kings', corporate india hails modi as king of kings, Vibrant gujarat summit

    Corporate India hails Modi as 'King of Kings' 12 January 2013

    Corporate India is quite impressed with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. On Friday the consortium of modern India were lavish while praising Modi. Admiring his administration capabilities the group of visionaries assured the left wing leader of abundant investments in...

    Keywords: Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013, Corporate India admires Modi as 'King of Kings', Corporate India admires Modi as 'King of Kings', Corporate India hails Modi as 'King of Kings'

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    Aravind Kejriwal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, kejriwal asks modi to make his wife mother stay with him, Vibrant gujarat summit

    Kejriwal Asks Modi to Make his Wife & Mother Stay with him 10 January 2017

    On tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was targetted by Delhi Chief Minister Aravind Kejriwal. The CM in his tweet said that the PM should make his wife and mother Heeraben stay with him. "I stay with my mother. I take...

    Keywords: Aravind Kejriwal, Aravind Kejriwal, Gujarat visit, Aravind Kejriwal

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