Voters franchising votes

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  • Chief Electoral Officer, Chief Electoral officer Bhanwarlal, avms reprogrammed with none of the above option, Voters franchising votes

    AVMs Reprogrammed 'With None Of The Above' Option 02 October 2013

    Like options in the objective test like A..,B..,C..,d.. and E none of the above, now voters are given a choice- None of the above to reject all the contestants in the elections.  Accordingly the AVMs are also getting reprogrammed as...

    Keywords: Chief Electoral officer Bhanwarlal, Chief Electoral Officer, Supreme Court of India voter rejection option, Voters franchising votes

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    Voters franchising votes, AVMs, none of the above option in voting, Voters franchising votes

    None Of The Above Option In Voting 02 October 2013

    Like options in the objective test like A..,B..,C..,d.. and E none of the above, now voters are given a choice- None of the above to reject all the contestants in the elections.  Accordingly the AVMs are also getting reprogrammed as...

    Keywords: Voters franchising votes, Voters franchising votes, None of the above in AVM, Bhanwarlal

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