Voyager 1 exits Solar system, enters interstellar space 13 September 2013
This is extremely exciting news for the Star Wars fans. NASA has announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered interstellar space, which is the space between two stars. In simple language, this means the craft has ventured outside our...
Keywords: NASA, Voyager enters interstellar space, Voyager enters interstellar space, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Read MoreWeekend Voyagers, Weekend Activity Club by Oakridge 20 July 2012
Endless syllabus, daily tests and tired with burdened curriculum this is the required break for students of all ages (6-16years). Just break from monotony and get recharged with new things to learn from. Kindle your renaissance spirits and awaken your...
Keywords: children workshops, oakridge Hyderabad., weekend voyagers, children workshops
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