Weill cornell medical college

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  • Criminal activity peaks in teenagers, Criminal activity peaks in teenagers, criminal activity peaks during preceding maturity, Weill cornell medical college

    Criminal activity peaks during preceding maturity 16 November 2013

    Mentioned in the Science News. Org, by Laura Sanders, that brain activity may help explain why crime peaks during teen years. Further known, from research presented during November 10 at the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting recommends that teenagers brains...

    Keywords: Criminal activity peaks in teenagers, Neuroscience, Neuroscience, teenagers brains

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    Shahrad Taheri, Shahrad Taheri, sleep 30 minutes less gain weight, Weill cornell medical college

    Sleep 30 minutes less, gain weight 07 March 2015

    Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep per day on weekdays can have long-term consequences for body weight and metabolism, new research has found. People who accumulate sleep debt during weekdays and make up for loss over the weekend...

    Keywords: Shahrad Taheri, Shahrad Taheri, Diabetes 2, Sleep

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