Weird facts

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  • Dinosaur, Weird facts, dinosaurs not extinct here is the proof, Weird facts

    Dinosaurs not extinct, here is the proof! 05 June 2015

    A decade ago in Canada, A new species of dinosaur was discovered, which was nicknamed 'Hellboy' because of its unique horns. A guy named Peter Hews, came across some bones sticking out of a cliff along the side of a...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Weird facts, Dinosaur, Weird facts

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    Michael Jackson rare facts, Michael Jackson unknown facts, 8 weird facts of michael jackson, Weird facts

    8 weird facts of Michael Jackson 15 September 2015

    However, fans and followers of a person, they might not know everything about their stars. Here are a few such things of the ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson, where the millions of followers and fans would love to know. 1....

    Keywords: Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson weird facts

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    Weird facts, Tall man, india s tallest man needs a girl, Weird facts

    India's tallest man needs a girl 27 May 2015

    Dharmendra Singh is considered as the tallest man in the country, whose height is 8ft 1 inch.   Speaking about his height, Mr. Dharmendra said, “I feel shy to walk on the roads as the people admire. But I enjoy when...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Weird facts, Tall man, Weird facts

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    girl, hair, watch big python in a girl s hair, Weird facts

    Watch: Big Python in a girl’s hair! 24 June 2015

    The moment a cockroach appears, there would be no girl who would be, without making a movement from the place, however old she is. If this is the case with a cockroach, what would be the case, if a little...

    Keywords: hair, weird facts, girl, hair

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    Hanuman alive, Weird facts, lord hanuman is alive, Weird facts

    Lord Hanuman is alive? 28 May 2015

    We heard about the death of many beings, but there is no such proof which said ‘Hanuman’ is dead.  According to the Hindu mythology, some beings continue to be in the same form across the ages. So as per this...

    Keywords: Hanuman alive, Weird facts, Weird facts, Hanuman alive

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    London museum, 20000 year remains of wolf, 20000 year old remains of wolf found, Weird facts

    20000 year old remains of Wolf found 21 May 2015

    Simon Ferguson, a 45 year old man, who was digging up the garden to build up a duck pond, was shocked to see what he found in the ground.The man was digging up the ground and his both sons, Richard,...

    Keywords: 20000 year remains of wolf, 20000 year remains of wolf, Weird facts, 20000 year remains of wolf

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    Unbelievable facts, knife thrower, young boy throws blades at his sister, Weird facts

    Young boy throws blades at his sister 18 May 2015

    At Dayton in Ohio, USA, the world's youngest knife thrower Grennan Bartlett-Nealeigh throws blades at his seven year old sister Charlotte.In the image, the green board which we observe is the place where he targets to stick his knife which...

    Keywords: knife thrower, knife thrower, Unbelievable facts, Weird facts

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    Viral, girl, girl who asked to get a condom stole the car, Weird facts

    Girl who asked to get a condom, stole the car 27 June 2015

    How can the actual name of a deceiving girl can be known? Khusboo Sharma, Smruthi Sharma, Lady Cocoa and many more. These are the names of a single girl, whose main intention is to deceive the people and run away...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Weird facts, Weird facts, Viral

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    Weird facts, Weird facts, locked in toilet help through twitter, Weird facts

    Locked in toilet-help through twitter 19 May 2015

    Generally, there would be few situations in life where we ourselves involve in some problem without our knowledge. There are few situations which are heard from the news that the children getting locked in a room unknowingly. A similar case...

    Keywords: locked in toilet, twitter, twitter, Weird facts

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    Weird facts, Weird facts, watch naughty pig eats ice cream, Weird facts

    Watch: Naughty Pig eats ice cream 06 June 2015

    Ice cream, which kid can dare to be away from it. In that sense, not only kids, anyone who is fond of eating would love to eat ice cream and anyone, who are not that fond of eating, gets fond...

    Keywords: fun, Pig, Pig, fun

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    Selphie with elephant, weird facts, elephant took its picture on its own, Weird facts

    Elephant took its picture on its own 22 May 2015

    If the human beings capture their own face with a camera, it is a 'selphie'. Think what it would be, if an elephant captures it on its own, guess?Why not it should be 'elphie'. Yes, it is elphie and it...

    Keywords: weird facts, weird facts, Elphie with elephant, Selphie with elephant

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    Ghost, BPO, employee died 8 years ago still works in the office, Weird facts

    Employee died 8 years ago still works in the office 01 June 2015

    In a BPO company in Gurgaon, there is an employee called Rose who was very punctual and hard working. The office staff management was very much convinced with her behavior and dedication towards the work. But, there came a day,...

    Keywords: Weird facts, BPO, BPO, Ghost

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    Smile or pay fine, Smile or pay fine, if you don t smile pay rs 1 lakh as fine, Weird facts

    If you don't smile, pay Rs.1 lakh as fine 26 May 2015

    Whenever we are in sorrow, few of our friends ask us to get back soon and smile. But smiling  might not be possible in few situations. But in Oxford, the people are forced to smile, and if at all they...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Smile or pay fine, Buskers, Buskers

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    police, police, pigeon as a pakistan messenger, Weird facts

    Pigeon as a Pakistan messenger? 30 May 2015

    A pigeon was arrested by the police in India, believing it to be carrying a secret message from Pakistan. The bird was actually seized in the ‘Manwal’ village,  which is at the border of India and Pakistan in Punjab. Though,...

    Keywords: Weird facts, India, messenger, messenger

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    Jihadis, weird facts, jihadis sell girls for a pack of cigarettes, Weird facts

    Jihadis sell girls for a pack of cigarettes 09 June 2015

    UN envoy, Zainab Bangura said that, “girls who are abducted as slaves by Islamic state (Isis) fighters in Syria and Iraq are being sold for as little as a pack of cigarettes.Bangura, who visited the war-torn countries in the Middle...

    Keywords: Islam, Islam, weird facts, weird facts

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    Gay, Weird facts, homosexuality turns gays to normal, Weird facts

    Homosexuality turns gays to normal! 02 June 2015

    Homosexuality, is the one issue which is constantly worrying the society for years. Especially during the recent years, the number of cases regarding the homosexuality has been increased.  For instance, Deepthi Tadanki, a Telugu filmmaker, is currently working on a...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Homosexuality, Weird facts, Homosexuality

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    flight, Weird facts, pregnant lady thrown out of plane, Weird facts

    Pregnant lady thrown out of plane 29 May 2015

    A young child’s cry would be lovable to mother, but might irritate others. The same logic was faced by a seven months pregnant lady Sarah Blackwood.The two year old son of her was continuously crying on a plane they were...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Sarah Blackwood, Weird facts, Sarah Blackwood

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    1800, 19th century women, two women born in 1800s are still alive, Weird facts

    Two women born in 1800s are still alive 30 June 2015

    1800. The century where, we are very well aware of, through the text books. But there are two persons, who even passed that century and are still alive.  Emma Morano Born: Nov. 29, 1899 Verbania, Italy Since she left her husband in...

    Keywords: 19th century women, 1800, 1800, old age

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    unbelievable facts, Ants gin, gin prepared with ants, Weird facts

    Gin prepared with Ants 20 May 2015

    Till date, we might have heard about various kinds of gin and might also be aware of the ingredients in it. Generally, it a prestige factor for men to say in a friends get together that, they had all types...

    Keywords: unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts, Ants gin, Ants gin

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    Weird facts, Weird facts, 140 years old beer found now, Weird facts

    140 years old beer found now 04 June 2015

    Generally, the taste of any eatable would be more, when it is fresh. People generally prefer to consume it, immediately after it is prepared. But in case of hot drinks, how old it is, that much tastier it would be....

    Keywords: wine, Weird facts, beer, wine

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