The Supreme Court appointed Justice Lodha Committee has rendered its verdict and announced the quantum of punishment for Gurunath Meiyappan and Raj Kundra and their respective Indian Premier League (IPL) franchises for the spot fixing and betting scandal that rocked the Twenty20 tournament in 2013. Chennai Super Kings (CSK) team official Meiyappan and Rajasthan Royals co-owner Kundra were found guilty of betting in the 2013 edition of the Twenty20 cricket tournament.
The Committee has decided the following:
1. Gurunath Meiyappan is declared not eligible for participation in the sport of cricket for a maximum period of five years.
2. He is suspended for life from any cricket matches
3. Raj Kundra has brought the game into disrepute.
4. He is ineligible for the participation in the sport of cricket for the maximum period of five years
5. He is suspended for life from cricket activities
6. He is suspended for life from being involved with the BCCI in any type of cricket matches.
7. Chennai Super Kings suspended for a period of Two Years!
8. Rajastan Royals is also suspended from the IPL for two years.
By Premji