Impressing a person and winning a heart are two sides of a coin. While you can impress a person by adhering to some points, winning the heart is no cakewalk and if you have set the latter part as your target, then you are at right place. This story is for all those who have been dating but failing to win the hearts.
Be the way you are:
Just be yourself. Never try to overact. It looks so yucky when you put on your attitude. Don't try to imitate others. You can never get space in anyone's heart (even if you get space in bed) as long as you don't be yourself.
Never lose your individuality. Never give up something only because you are engaged. Continue to do your activities (now this doesn't mean dating others) and never let him feel that you are his slave. At the same time, don't be harsh. When you are rude to him, you may still have him beside you in bed, but remember....he's just using you as a pleasure tool.
Make him laugh:
A person should feel the difference if you are not around him. This can only happen when you make him laugh to the core whenever you are with him. When you start making him laugh every now and then, he will gradually start loving you.
Have a soft heart:
This is the most important thing. You should have a soft heart. Don't behave like a mother of that person and start taking classes if he misses the dinner or some occassion. You can express your displeasure by talking softly at a later time but not by shouting.
Eat junk food:
Most men love women who likes to eat junk food such as burger and pizza. Howver, a woman should eat politely and shouldn't over eat. When you eat junk food, you will enjoy hanging around with him and vice-versa.
Wear satin:
Satin is so tempting. Wear satin and he can never imagine anyother woman in your place. In fact, he will not enjoy too even if he spends time with other woman other than you in bed. Satin has that power to make men fall in love.
Prepare good food:
Last but not the least. Prepare tasty food and show interest in preparing the lunch and dinner. A man can never leave behind a woman who cooks delicious food. So, make cooking delicious food your habit. Remember, as long as every dinner is special, every night will be special.
Praise him:
Take time to make him feel special by giving compliments (not about his clothing) but about his talent or something. When it comes to women, its taken for granted that compliments on style, clothing but its not the same with men. Praise a little about his knowledge and you will cruise into his heart without any obstacles.
Adhere to these simple steps and win the heart of your man right away!
(AW Phani)