You might one day all of a sudden receive 'Dear John letter,' from your girl friend. If you don't to receive one and want to maintain the romantic relationship until it ends with wedding, then you need ot concentrate certain things that are suggested by Huffington Post daily. The newspaper conducted a wide research to find out why the relationship between a man and a woman goes for a toes even after days of dating. So, here are those quick tips to not let your lover go away.
Never flirt with the friends of your lover. If you think it's still okay, then expect a break-up soon
Always keep the conversation going especially when you meet her. Pay full attention towards your lady love when she talks
If you hate cigarettes and your boy friends like them, then the relationship might not work for long unless someone is ready to compromise/sacrifice, which may not happen always. Especially if you are always after him to quit smoking, you can expect a doomsday of your love
Late night phone calls and early morning texts should not slip off your daily routine
If he/she has a cheating background, you can expect him/her to repeat the same with you too
So, follow these simple steps and make sure your relationship doesn't end abruptly.
(AW Phani)