Long Distance Relations

November 07, 2013 16:21
Long Distance Relations

Elders say in an encouraging note when a situation becomes inevitable that long distance relations are sweet, strengthen the bonds and it will be a great moment when they meet after a long time.

But, it is only a solace one can get. Practically if we see the cases in which the long distance relations are maintained, we find them far from getting satisfaction if they are lucky to keep it up.  Any relation for that matter is maintained by keeping in touch. The relation and bond strengthens only when they keep in touch with each other. It is more so in marital relations which needs physical touch.

If the husband works in night shifts and wife in day shifts or if they are apart overseas the relations generally fail to survive.

A mother naturally gets attachment with the offspring because of bearing in her womb for nine months before it manifests to outside world including her husband.  That is why a mother with some excuse or other tries to leave the baby with her husband by keeping in his care and to his touch so that the bond will develop fast.

You lose a friend if you don’t see for quite a long time as many changes occur in you and your friend in the meanwhile.

In spite talking over phone regularly and chatting on the browser a missing physical contact for a long time can severe the relation.  Feeling of other partner cheating them tends to leave them with annoying exasperation.

There are cases of long distance relations did not strain and when they ultimately met they led a happy life.  But it is a rare case as the chances are less.  In majority of the cases it did not happen so.  A relation has no meaning if the persons keep away from each other for a very long time!


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