Women do tend to judge a man by his looks. As apparent in the latest video doing rounds on the web that has taken the Internet by storm and has got 1.8 million view until now, it shows how superficial girls find average guy effing creepy while falls for attractive looking dude - even if they are stalkers or rapists.
Titled “Girls Are A*******: At a Bar”, the video begins with an average-looking guy walking up to two girls sitting at a bar. He earnestly says: 'Hi. I saw you from across the bar and I think you're really beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?'
But the girls write him off, only to be wowed and wooed by a better looking man who approaches them after and talks to them in a way that confirms that he is a stalker.
In response to the nice guy's advances, who is dressed in a hoodie and a T-shirt, the girl says with a sarcastic smirk: 'Uh, I'm actually just here with my friend.'
'OK, you guys have a good night,' the good guy says kindly and walks away respectfully.
The girl then turns to her friend, who says: 'I don't understand why every guy in the city is so effing creepy.' 'I know,' she responds. 'Like, no thanks, I don't want to get raped tonight.'
An attractive looking man with sculpted face, dreamy eyes and a well-fitted suit walks in and presumptuously asks the bartender: 'Appletini for the lady.'
'How did you know? That's my favorite!' says the girl, eying him up happily. 'I don't know, Lauren, I guess I just got lucky,' he responds, giving her a knowing glance.
Instead of asking him how did he get to know her name and favorite drink, Lauren seems to be blinded by his good looks and totally ignores the red flag. 'Have we met? Because I feel like I would remember you,' she says.
'No. Although I am surprised you didn't wear your new red dress tonight,' he says, before elaborating with a wink: 'The red sundress you bought yesterday at American Apparel. You look really sexy in it. At least you did in the dressing room.'
Instead of finding this evident invasion of privacy disquieting, she says with a laugh: 'Oh! I don't know I just, I didn't wear it.'
'You wanna get out of here?' he says, narrowing his eyes. 'You really have no excuse because your period ended on Tuesday.'
Her smile falls, and the 'viewer expects her to finally realize that he is being creepy and knows far too much about her personal life.'
But instead, she turns to her friend and says excitedly: 'Would you kill me if I go?' Her friend answers: 'I'll kill you if you DON'T go, God, he's like perfect!'
The pair walk away together, and the friend is left sitting at the bar next to the first man, who begins to say: 'I'm sorry, did you see..?'
The girl screams, pulls a can of pepper spray out of her purse and sprays it in his eyes, prompting him to fall backwards off of his chair.
Reactions to the video, which is the second in a two-part series, have been positive with viewers confessing how often they have been guilty of doing the same.
Source: Daily Mail
AW: Suchorita Dutta Choudhury