Power star Pavan Kalyan, who has just completed the shoot for the ‘Teen Maar’, the Telugu remake of the Bollywood blockbuster ‘Love Aaj Kal’, is getting ready to face cameras once again for the movie ‘Gabbar Singh’ a remake of yet another blockbuster ‘Dabaang’.
‘Gabbar Singh’ will be directed by Harish Shankar and the movie will be produced by Creative Works, a home banner of Pavan Kalyan. “I am happy to sign with Harish Shankar for my home banner,” he said adding that they wanted to do some projects together in the past but could not do them due to various factors.
Both Pavan Kalyan and Harish Shankar are now engaged in the work of selecting the crew for the movie. They also confirmed that the script will have many changes to make it suitable for the Telugu nativity.