Comedian – Hero Sunil will be playing a ‘Lover Boy’ kind of a role in his next film. Mega Supergood films banner has acquired the rights of B – Town film ‘Tanu weds Manu’. So, Sunil will be playing Hero in the film, same role played by Hero Madhavan in the original version. Now, who is playing Tanu (Kangana Raunat in Hindi version), is yet to be finalized.
Earlier, the film makers thought of casting Heroine Charmi for this role. Do not know what happened, but they are mum about revealing who is the lead lady. Devi Prasad will be directing this film. The rest of the cast and technicians details are yet to be revealed by the film makers.
Sunil’s career is no doubt on a high, he is playing a Comedian and a Hero simultaneously. Safe planning of the Career, I tell you!