Actress Sanjana, who has done couple of films in T – Town like ‘Bujjigadu’, is now becoming successful in Malayalam. The Actress who is not left with even a single opportunity in T – Town, has recently done a film opposite Sreekanth, titled ‘Dussyasana’. The film bombed at the Box office, and did not fetch Sanjana in any ways. But, looks like the Actress is not having any regrets, because, she has bagged her biggest offer of life time. sanjana will be seen opposite Malayalam Super star Mammotti, in his upcoming film, ’King and Commissioner’. This will be the second film for the Actress who debuted in the language with the film titled, ‘Casanova’.
It seems, Actress Reema Sen was the first choice to act opposite Mammotti. But, the film makers felt that Sanjana would be the best option, at the last moment, and launched the film starring Sanjana, in the place of Reema Sen.
Good, atleast Sanjana is managing to get offers in Malayalam, if not in Telugu and Tamil.