Srikanth who made his debut as a Villain in T – Town films, soon managed to get some Hero roles in Heroine Centric films, then became a family Hero, after that a Action hero and a Experimental Hero, who has tried acting in some ‘Different’ films, out of them some worked and many did not.
Now, Srikanth is keen in experimenting with some Mythological and Socio fantasy roles. He has already done a key role in Bapu’s directorial ‘Sree Rama Rajyam’ and even before the film’s release, is all set to appear as Sri Krishna Deva Raayalu, who ruled Vijayanagaram, round about 1500 years ago. This new film of him is titled as ‘Dvaraaya’. Srikanth will appear as a King as well as in a key role in this film. Responding to the same, this Actor said, ‘I was in a dual mind whether to accept this role or not. But, due to the confidence I have gained in acting in Bapu’s ‘Sree Rama Rajyam’, I have taken a step forward and accepted to be a part of this prestigious project’.
The film is beign made on a story that happened about 1500 years ago. The film is being produced and directed by kiran.J. Chakri is composing Music scores for this flick. The film is going to go on location from September 13th onwards.